

June 11, 2024
Fly Fishing School, Vah River, Slovakia 2024

Short report from my latest guiding trip to Slovakia.It never occurred to me that I would have such capable and bright students at fly fishing school.They have mastered short nymphing with indicator and the first […]

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May 13, 2024
Bosnia Guided Trip, Spring 2024

A few pictures from our recent guided trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina Big thanks to all members for common fishing and great company. It was a pleasure to spend these few days with you in […]

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October 7, 2023
Bosnia autumn trip, 2023

Short report from our autumnal fishing trip to Bosnia & Herzegovina for Ribnik River.

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July 23, 2023
Guided Fly Fishing Trip, Norway 2023

Our trip to Scandinavia has just ended.This year we fished on rivers: Rena and Lesja.Despite difficult weather conditions, heavy rain and cold, we managed to catch grayling and trout, as well as a trip to […]

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October 25, 2022
Guided Fly Fishing Trip to Balkans

Last two weeks we spent on fishing trips through the Balkans. First week we've been on guiding trip on Bosnian river Ribnik. After a week in Bosnia, we went to Slovenia to fish in three […]

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July 13, 2022
Guided Fishing Trips, Rena River, Norway

I just came back home from my two guiding trips to Norway. Unfortunately, weather conditions wasn't perfect, but thankfully most of members of a group tried a solid of Rena graylings and trouts.Aura of this […]

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December 24, 2021
Merry Christmas!

We wish you all Merry Christmas and better New Year!

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October 17, 2021
Autumnal dry fly fishing

Taking advantage of the free Sunday, I decided to go and see how graylings from my local stream was doing.Unfortunately, it is not good time for graylings through last years, but every day spent by […]

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October 17, 2021
My article in Fisch und Fliege magazine

In the latest Fisch und Fliege magazine, issue 68, you can read my article about winter trout fishing in small streams. Magazine will be available from 4th November.

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